Saturday, June 25, 2011


Another skill we learn in Cloverbuds is POSTER MAKING. These posters are to again, educate and inform and they will be judged and then displayed at the Saanich Fair on Labour Day weekend.

Cloverbuds are to make 2 posters:
- One is about SAFETY (ex. boating, sun, bear, car, fire, animal, etc. )
- One is about the THEME OF THE FAIR (" What's Cooking at the Saanich Fair" )

**These posters are to be handed in at the July meeting (July 23)**

- Posters should be made on poster board which can be bought at the dollar store. Please choose a colour which is makes your words and colours stand out.
- Posters should be easy to read and have a balance of words and pictures. Items can be glued on to make the poster more visually appealing.
- Posters should have the title clearly displayed and a Canadian 4-H Clover on the front. Names are to go on the BACK.

The pictures above are from previous years so you can get an idea of what they should look like.

The posters are marked using a score card which has the following breakdown...

Uniqueness 25

(Is the poster distinctive, one of a kind)

Neatness 25

(Clean, tidy, appropriate lettering,

safely put up, decorative, colourful, eye appealing)

Educational 25

(Is poster content educational and understandable)

Informative 25

(Is poster information correct, accurate, easy to read)

Total 100

If you have any questions please email or call or post your question on the blog for others to see!